Meet a Brother: Paul Tanks

Q: Who was your presenter when you took the workshop and what would you say to him about the workshop if you had the chance?

A: Wow it seems like a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away but I think it was Lee Garland and the founder of Breakthrough Fred Jealous. What is there to say thank you brothers, Breakthrough has changed my life.

Q: What did you like to do as a boy?

A: As a boy I liked building model airplanes and then attaching firecrackers and blowing them up. I know cool right!

Q: What would you tell someone considering the workshop?

A: Have you taken care of yourself, given yourself the kindness and love you truly deserve? Our Breakthrough workshop explores how we view ourselves how we treat ourselves and how we treat others. It is a personal awareness thought process that moves one towards life long positive change.

Q: What is one thing you can affirm about yourself?

A: Early on in life I learned how to survive and I am grateful for those skills, now with what I’ve learned from Breakthrough I’m learning how to live life, thanks brothers.

Q: What was the most significant change for you as a result of breakthrough?

A: Becoming a love finder instead of a fault finder.

Q: What are you doing with your life and what are you doing in community and/or what’s new and good?

A: I’m currently continuing my boyhood dream flying as an airline captain and recently reestablished phone check in’s with my Breakthrough brother Paul Gaucher.