Breakthrough in-person workshops are a premium way to experience all that Breakthrough has to offer.
Next Start Date: May 1st, 2025
Over 26 weeks, the class meets in-person weekly at a local venue. Additionally, there are four all-day Saturday sessions and one full weekend retreat. Tuition for this workshop includes all materials, venues, retreat accommodations & meals and ongoing team support. Tuition assistance is available, all are welcome at Breakthrough. We recommend the in-person experience to all men in our local area. This experience is so valuable, some men have relocated to attend the workshop. Change is possible. Now is the time, Breakthrough is the place.
Registration Process
Tuition is paid separately for each course in the Breakthrough Workshops.
Tuition for Breakthrough 1: $3000
Tuition for Breakthrough 2: $3000 (Pre-requisite Breakthrough 1)
Tuition for both courses Breakthrough 1 & 2: $6000
There are three ways to pay.
1) Installments: You may choose to pay for each course in the workshop with up to eight (8) payments of $375 each including the non-refundable deposit of $375. Payments begin at the start of the workshop. Total tuition $3000 per course.
2) Single Payment Discount: If you pay for any course in full and in advance, you receive a $375 discount for that course. Total tuition $2625 per course.
3) Bonus Discount: If you enroll in both Breakthrough 1 & 2 together with full payment in advance, you enjoy a $1125 discount. Total tuition $4875 for both courses.
Financial Aid is available.
Breakthrough is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Our mission is to make this workshop available to men regardless of their current financial situation. Apply below.
Click the “Register May 2025 In-Person” button to enroll in the upcoming Workshop. Please attend an Introductory Session to learn more.
Registration in any Breakthrough course requires a non-refundable deposit at the time of registration.
Financial Aid / Tuition Assistance: Breakthrough is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit. Our mission is to make this workshop available to men regardless of their current financial situation. If you find that you need financial aid to enroll in the workshop, please click the link below and apply for scholarship funds. Funded through the generosity of our donors Breakthrough has limited funds available each year to provide tuition support.