Meet a Brother: Manning Phillips!

Q: Who was your presenter when you took the workshop and what would you say to him about the workshop if you had the chance?

A: Phillip Morgan and John Hain. Phillip, you scared the crap out of me but I learned that I was safe. John, your intellect intimidated me but I learned that if I kept at it, I could get the material.

Q: What did you like to do as a boy?

A: I loved to be outdoors and I loved to have epic dirt clod fights with the neighbor kids.

Q: What would you tell someone considering the workshop?

A: If you really want to change the course of your life, then Breakthrough is one of the centers of excellence along the path to the life you want.

Q: What is one thing you can affirm about yourself?

A: I admire my willingness to work hard for the things I value and want in my life and to provide for those I love.


Q: What was the most significant change for you as a result of breakthrough?

A: I now have a conceptual framework to begin to make sense of my very human condition.  Before Breakthrough life just happened, now, more and more I am an active participant in the dynamic play, my life.


Q: What are you doing with your life and what are you doing in community and/or what’s new and good?

A: Breakthrough is still what’s energizing me even after 17 years of participating in, facilitating, presenting, and developing the main workshop. I am more and more motivated to train the next generation of small group leaders.

I am also interested in creating new ways of taking the material to other groups of men because I have come to believe that having some Breakthrough is better than no Breakthrough. One of the first groups I want to work with is new fathers who don’t have the time, energy, or money for the full workshop. 

Additionally, I want to develop ways to offer support for young men who are redefining what it is to be a man and caught between the anger of feminists towards the concept of strong men and the disgust of chauvinists for men who are fully capable of love.