Meet a brother: Kelsey Schwind!

Q: Who was your presenter when you took the workshop and what would you say to him about the workshop if you had the chance?
A: Lee Garland. I have expressed to Lee, and here I will express again, how profound the workshop was for me, and my enormous gratitude for him in passing on this work on to me, and to many men year after year for decades. I especially appreciate his gentleness when needed, his firmness when needed (to model boundaries), and his musical additions to the workshop that make it so special.

Q: What did you like to do as a boy?

A: My favorite times were playing nerf football with my classmates in elementary school (tackle when the teachers weren't around). At my rural home I enjoyed climbing my favorite apple tree.

Q: What is one thing you can affirm about yourself?
A: I am valuable. No matter how insignificant I can seem to myself sometimes, I can remind myself that that is thinking from the small self, and that yes, I do indeed have an impact on the world around me.