Welcome Chairman of the Board of Directors, Arnold Westphal!

Arnold is currently a presenter of the Breakthrough workshop and is passionate about sharing this powerful work with other men- inviting them into an expanded and more joyful experience of life!

Arnold began his Breakthrough journey in March of 2018 when he enrolled in the Breakthrough workshop parts one and two. Immediately after completing the course he volunteered to be on his first presentation team as a small group leader.  Arnold followed this experience by enrolling as a presenter in training and has now moved into the ranks of Breakthrough presenters. Arnold is passionate about sharing this powerful work with other men inviting them into an expanded and more joyful experience of life. 

Outside of Breakthrough, Arnold is happy to live and work here on the Monterey Peninsula where he grew up. He has a full life including his lovely fiancé and their three dogs: Pico, Tudor & Finnegan, his beloved Volkswagen camper van “Sunny” and way…way too many guitars.  Arnold can often be spotted in the early morning hours jogging or biking along the recreation trail enjoying the beautiful Monterey landscapes or sharing a sunset picnic in his VW with his fiancé at Asilomar Beach.